March Meeting - Layout & Design Round Robin Discussion
Scheduled Program | Layout & Design Round Robin Discussion
January Meeting - Cancelled due to Snow
Scheduled Program | Handmade Books: Ideas and Examples
This meeting has been cancelled due to snow forecast.
November 9, 2024 : Guild Meeting at the Frist
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
Watercolor Pencil Basic
Location: Frist Museum
May 11, 2024 : Guild Meeting (Location TBA)
May 2024 Meeting
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
Program to Follow
Location: Frist Museum
March 9, 2024 : Guild Meeting at Paper and Ink Arts
March 2024 Meeting
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
Program to Follow
Location: Paper and Ink Arts, 113 Graylynn Dr, Nashville, TN 37214
January 13, 2024 : Guild Meeting at the First Museum (in person)
January 2024 Meeting
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.
Program to Follow
Location: Frist Museum, 919 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203
( Parking for the Frist Museum for the Nashville Calligraphers Guild meeting will be a discounted rate of $2 per hour)
November 11, 2023 : Guild Meeting at the First Museum (in person)
November Meeting
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
Program to Follow
Location: Frist Museum, 919 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203
( Parking for the Frist Museum for the Nashville Calligraphers Guild meeting will be a discounted rate of $2 per hour)
October 8, 2023 : Guild Anniversary Party (in person)
Mark your Calendars!
A Guild as great as our deserves to be celebrated. So, please join us for an afternoon party in honor of NCG’s 42nd Anniversary.
Sunday, October 8th from 2:00-4:00
Sequoia Swim Club, 2120 Chickering Lane, Nashville,TN 37215
We will have indoor and outdoor seating and an assortment of delicious refreshments. It will be a time to reconnect with friends and celebrate our Guild. See you there!
September 9, 2023 : Guild Meeting at the First Museum (in person)
September Meeting
*****In Person*****
General Meeting: Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
Program to Follow
Location: Frist Museum, 919 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203
( Parking for the Frist Museum for the Nashville Calligraphers Guild meeting will be a discounted rate of $2 per hour)
Getting to the Frist is easy from I-40 or other areas of town. However, for the past 8 weeks or so, the Broadway Bridge near the Frist has been demolished and reconstructed. The road is scheduled to reopen on September 8th—the day before our meeting at the Frist on Sept. 9th. Yay!
That said, before you come, you may want to double check your route to the Frist. Demonbruen Street is an alternate route to Broadway with the Frist parking lot right off Demonbruen.
THIS MONTH’S PROGRAM: “Showing and Sharing”
As September begins the 42nd year of the Nashville Calligraphers Guild, this month’s program will focus on the members “showing and sharing” events and projects since the May meeting including:
• “2023 Summer Envelope Exchange”. The theme this year was “Birds of a Feather” so everyone is encouraged to bring their envelopes for everyone to see the results.
• IAMPETH Review. Members who attended the Conference in July will share their experiences and examples of what they learned from the classes.
• Favorite tools. Members are asked to bring their favorite tool(s) they use for calligraphy to share with others who may not know. After all, we can’t have too many tools!
• In addition, there will be discussion about the upcoming year. Hopefully, everyone received the survey Ann Cobb sent out to find out the primary interests of the Guild. Right now, there are tentative plans for Guild activities every month through March! And that does not include the scheduled workshops with Ann Cobb and Carol Hall!
This year may be the busiest year the Guild has experienced in awhile so be sure to attend the meeting to show your support and share in the enthusiasm of the Guild. See you there!
March 11, 2023 Guild Meeting
*****In Person*****
Saturday, March 11, 2023
10:30 a.m.
General meeting
Program to follow
Topic: Weathergrams
with Chris Hackenbrack
Bellevue Branch Library
720 Baugh Road
Nashville, TN 37221
Creating weathergrams is always a favorite activity for calligraphy guilds to do, especially during the Spring. Some Guilds do a Christmas version as well.
For those who are new to weathergrams and for those who haven’t done them in awhile, Chris Hackenbrack will show you how to combine the love of calligraphy with the love of nature. We will talk about their history, and we will make one for ourselves.
Bring your favorite lettering utensil, markers, brush pens, nib and ink, whatever you are most comfortable with. While an Italic lettering style is traditional, you can make your weathergram using your own personal preference of lettering style. It is best if the ink is waterproof, and tradition is for the ink to be black, red, or white, but again, we will be flexible and creative here.
Hope to see you there!
January 2023 Meeting
*****In Person*****
Saturday, January 14, 2023
10:30 a.m.
General meeting
Program to follow
Topic: Painting on Glass
with Rose Wathen
Fifty Forward
108 Donelson Pike
Nashville, TN 37203
November 2022 Meeting
*****In Person*****
General meeting
Program to follow
Topic: Art Deco Lettering
Frist Art Museum
919 Broadway Ave, Nashville, TN 37203
(Parking in back)
March Meeting - This meeting has been moved to Zoom due to weather.
We are scheduled to meet in person for the first time since January 2020! Join us in the large meeting room at the Bellevue branch of the Nashville Public Library. Masks are highly recommended for everyone’s safety.
We look forward to seeing everyone in person! It has been way too long!!
We will have a Trash to Treasure table. Clean out those closets and drawers. Bring your past treasures looking for a new home. You might find some new treasures yourself. You are responsible for removing any of your “trash” that does not find a new home.
We will have a Show and Share table. Bring along anything you have been working on the last two years. We would love to see it.
Have you been playing along with the “Letter a Week” challenge? Share your progress with us. The meeting program will provide ideas for displaying your work for this challenge. You will have an opportunity to share your ideas. You can also see other ideas and ask questions of the designer. We will also have handouts for various project ideas.
You will also learn more about the upcoming Guild Exhibit scheduled for May at the Green Hills branch of the Nashville Public Library. Get those pieces ready to display!
Bellevue Public Library 720 Baugh Rd, Nashville, TN 37221
January Meeting
This meeting will be held via Zoom. Watch your email for your invitation the week before the meeting.
Lettering Project 2022
Let’s begin 2022 with a fun lettering project! Have fun and experiment with a regular, small project to focus on each week. The goal is to create one letter each week in a small 3” x 3” (or smaller) format. The rest is up to you.
Come to the meeting for information and inspiration for our year-long project. The finished pieces can be framed, preserved in book format, or anything you can imagine!
November Meeting
This meeting will be held via Zoom. An invitation was sent via email to all registered members. If you have not received your invitation or would like to visit as a guest, please email the Guild President.
Join us as we enjoy a slideshow of the beautiful envelopes shared in our Summer Envelope Exchange. The theme for this year’s exchange was “We Are All in This Together.”
Beth Paul will also present some ideas for making your own greeting cards - just in time for the holiday card season. If you want to play along, you will need some basic supplies:
Paper (solid color card stock for bases and patterned paper for backgrounds)
Scissors, Xacto knife and/or paper cutter, depending on what you have available
Glue, glue stick or tape runner
May Meeting - Canceled
We will be voting for 2020-2021 officers via digital survey. Watch your email inbox for more information.
March Meeting - Canceled
In the interest of the health and safety of our members and guests, we are canceling the March meeting.
Stay home and take some time to play in your studio.
A Workshop Interest survey was recently emailed to every member. Please return these by Friday, March 20 so future workshops may be planned. See the email for additional information.
May Meeting
Miranda Fuller
Let your voice be heard. It is time to vote for next years Board members. We also have two proposed by-law changes to vote on.
After the meeting, we will have a Calligraphy “Yard” Sale. Bring your surplus supplies you would like to sell or give away. You must man your table and make your own change.
Don’t forget the Share Table. Bring something to share so everyone can see what you have been working on or completed recently.