Registration now OPEN
Email Ann Cobb, Workshop Committee Chairperson, for additional information.
photo courtesy of Heather Held
The Victorian Pen introduces pen drawn flourishes that have been influenced by the colors and styles of the Victorian era. Many of the historic offhand flourishing designs start out as pencil sketches before rendering the designs in ink.
The Victorian Pen workshop introduces pencil techniques for the terrified! Even if you think you cannot draw, this class will help you add simple floral designs, acanthus patterns and ornamental scroll work your offhand flourishing. The use of the pencil allows pre-planning and corrections which are not possible with true offhand flourishing.
We start simply with corner ornaments and expand to more intricate designs. These decorative ornaments can be gilded with 23K gold leaf and painted with watercolor or tinted gently with colored pencil. This class assumes some knowledge of the pointed pen.